Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Speaking Picture

This is one of our youth representatives. She is explaining some of the problems related to drugs uses in Bandung City, Indonesia. Before this presentation, she had discussed the problems with some teachers and other youths. She is around 13 or 14 years old. We feel happy that we can encourage young people to aware of the situation of drugs in Bandung.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Epidemic in Indonesia

In knowing the epidemic of HIV-AIDS in my country, I accessed the data from the web of Ministry of Health in my country. I find quite complete and comprehensive data about my country’s epidemic. This data is the most update data in Indonesia. These are cases from January 1987 until March 2009.
Cumulative HIV and AIDS cases from 1 January 1987 through 31 March 2009 consist of:
• HIV 6668
• AIDS 16964
Total HIV and AIDS 23632
Died 3492

Cumulative AIDS Cases by Sex
Male 12640 6537
Female 4239 535
Unknown 85 46
Total 16964 7118

Cumulative AIDS Cases by Mode of Transmission
Mode of Transmission AIDS
Heterosexual 8210
Homo-Bisexual 628
IDU 7125
Blood Transfusion 0
Perinatal Trans. 390
Unknown 611

Cumulative AIDS Cases by Age Group
< 1 135 0
1 - 4 175 0
5 - 14 88 7
15 - 19 522 121
20 - 29 8567 4605
30 - 39 4997 1886
40 - 49 1427 242
50 - 59 404 43
> 60 91 14
Unknown 558 200

Cumulative AIDS Cases by Province
No. Province AIDS AIDS/IDU Deaths
1 West Java 3162 2366 579
2 DKI Jakarta 2807 1998 425
3 East Java 2652 901 596
4 Papua 2499 2 352
5 Bali 1263 238 240
6 West Kalimantan 730 124 103
7 Central Java 573 134 224
8 North Sumatra 485 209 93
9 Riau 368 97 116
10 Riau Archipelago325 29 128

Prevalence of AIDS Cases per 100,000 population by

No. Province Prevalence
1 Papua 135.70
2 Bali 36.21
3 DKI Jakarta 30.81
4 Riau Archipelago27.12
5 West Kalimantan 17.90
6 Moluccas 14.28
7 Bangka Belitung 10.90
8 West Papua 10.24
9 Riau 8.09
10 West Java 8.08
11 North Sulawesi 8.01
12 Jogjakarta 7.50
13 East Java 7.15
14 Jambi 6.11
15 West Sumatra 5.14
16 North Sumatra 3.93
17 Bengkulu 3.23
18 East Nusa Tenggara 2.80
19 South Sumatra 2.71
20 West Nusa Tenggara 2.21
21 Lampung 2.01
22 South Sulawesi 1.91
23 Central Java 1.46
24 North Moluccas 0.99
25 Banten 0.85
26 South Kalimantan0.83
27 Aceh 0.77
28 SE Sulawesi 0.56
29 Central Kalimantan 0.53
30 Central Sulawesi 0.52
31 East Kalimantan 0.37
32 Gorontalo 0.33
33 West Sulawesi 0.00
National 7.50

Number of New HIV/AIDS Cases by Year Reported

1987 4 5 9 0
1988 4 2 6 0
1989 4 5 9 0
1990 4 5 9 0
1991 6 15 21 0
1992 18 13 31 0
1993 96 24 120 1
1994 71 20 91 0
1995 69 23 92 1
1996 105 42 147 1
1997 83 44 127 0
1998 126 60 186 0
1999 178 94 272 10
2000 403 255 658 65
2001 732 219 951 62
2002 648 345 993 97
2003 168 316 484 122
2004 649 1195 1844 822
2005 875 2638 3513 1420
2006 986 2873 3859 1517
2007 836 2947 3783 1437
2008 489 4969 5458 1255
2009 until March 114 854 968 308

After did some researches, I couldn’t find any data about children who have been orphaned which is matched with the country report where we haven’t made the orphanage as target population, neither data about PLHIV on antiretroviral therapy.

As we can see from the data, group which has the most cases is the heterosexual. Below it is the group people who use drugs by injection.

Young people itself, has the most cases of HIV-AIDS cases (20-29 years old). There is no specific explanation how young people can get infected. From my city, Bandung, young people are infected because they use drugs. From the country report, I found that policy and program for youth is still discriminative and fragmented in some departments (Departments of Education, State Minister of Youth and Sports Affairs and Ministry of Health). Issue about youth sexuality is not yet exposed clearly and there is no youth-specific health service although many youths are now practicing risky behavior.

Human rights are not very applicable in here. East culture which still judge people from appearance and status are still in the heart of Indonesian people. It is hard for us here to really not to judge the minority groups. The law of drugs is clear. It is in the Undang-Undang 35 Year 2009. It is stated briefly that drugs are illegal and everybody who uses it will get punishments according to this law. However, other populations which are minorities are still being discriminated, such homosexual and transgendered people. The discrimination is more common when they are in public area. You can see people are humming and whispering to each other talking about them. While in accessibility of health services for them is quite developed now. In Bandung city, the health service of antiretroviral therapy is being accessed well by these minority groups.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Who the hell am I?

The question which is stated as the title of this blog, is the question which comes up to my mind when I want to write this blog. It is rarely for me to ask me who am I myself. You guys can just call me Teja. I am 23 years old. Nowadays, I live in Bandung City, Indonesia. I am new in Bandung. It has been just one year. Before, I stayed in Jatinangor where I have my college in Psychology. I have graduated and has a bachelor degree of Psychology now. Therefore, I moved to the bigger city, Bandung. Here I got a job which is related to HIV issues. What a surprise when I got the info that in Indonesia, West Java which is the province of Bandung places the first rank of HIV-AIDS cases in Indonesia. Within West Java, Bandung also places the first rank of
the cases. By this info, I got very interested to HIV-AIDS cases.

I am working at Integrated Management of Prevention, Care and Treatment for HIV-AIDS (IMPACT). I join the Health Promotion at School (HPS) Working Group. Here my responsibility is to make an intervention in order to prevent young people from HIV-AIDS. The intervention is already chosen, it is a curriculum to be implemented in the Junior High School at Bandung. The curriculum will be about drugs education and reproductive health education. This issue takes make my focus so much. I do care a lot about young people. Their young ages can be used to do more positive things rather than do dangerous things which lead them to HIV-AIDS and even death. However, the hardest thing is that young age is the complicated age. They can't find themselves easily. This is the age where people are trying to find their ownself. Therefore, the responsibility which I and my team has is a big responsibility to build young people to be healthy people.

In the future, I hope young people can be more mature. We can make a better decision based on our knowledge and experiences. Therefore, the HIV-AIDS cases will be less than now. Having a healthy life is the best choice for us to live the life more happily.