Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Speaking Picture

This is one of our youth representatives. She is explaining some of the problems related to drugs uses in Bandung City, Indonesia. Before this presentation, she had discussed the problems with some teachers and other youths. She is around 13 or 14 years old. We feel happy that we can encourage young people to aware of the situation of drugs in Bandung.


  1. Great picture Teja! Can you tell us why you think it is important to have young people work to educate adults and their peers? What are the benefits of working this way?
    Also, what kind of training do your youth representatives get before doing this kind of work?

    Looks very cool! Interested to learn more! Thanks again :)

  2. @Alex: Thank you so much!!! In my opinion, it is very important for young people to educate adults and their peers. The importance is that they as one of the risk group can share their needs and willingness to get information, skills or even to contribute to the issues of HIV-AIDS. By having them who are the ones who share it, the adults and peers will believe them because it is not the other people who talk about their needs, it is themselves. Therefore, we can get advantages such as, the advocacy process will be easier, because the stakeholders will be more easily to accept the needs of young people to get info about HIV-AIDS. Another advantage is that peers are more easily to accept the information from their own peers. Because they won't feel being taught, but more to share to each other.

    The training which we have done until now, is that they discuss in a group about the problems of HIV-AIDS in our city, their needs to cover the problems, and their action plans to solve the problems. We also provided more information about HIV-AIDS, and also improve their skills to avoid and refuse drugs. In the future, we are going to train them about communication skills to adult people and peers.

    @Mohammed: Thank you so much =)

  3. Great work Teja!! Thanks so much for sharing more information with me... I really think that peer-based programmes are the most effective. I was happy to see your work with this approach!

    Keep up the great work!

  4. Hi, I think that is a great picture. Please I would like you to explain me for how long have there been that kind of presentations and if they have had great results. Greetings,


  5. wao! The young girl presenting on drugs in your organisation is said to 13 or 14. that is a good age to focus on if we must win the HIV wars. In Cameroon, she falls under children and not youth. youth to us begins at 15. what about your country? Its good to have these groups well spelled out because that helps in targeting and segmentation when developing your projects.

  6. Looking forward to your next post Teja! :)
