Monday, March 8, 2010

Who the hell am I?

The question which is stated as the title of this blog, is the question which comes up to my mind when I want to write this blog. It is rarely for me to ask me who am I myself. You guys can just call me Teja. I am 23 years old. Nowadays, I live in Bandung City, Indonesia. I am new in Bandung. It has been just one year. Before, I stayed in Jatinangor where I have my college in Psychology. I have graduated and has a bachelor degree of Psychology now. Therefore, I moved to the bigger city, Bandung. Here I got a job which is related to HIV issues. What a surprise when I got the info that in Indonesia, West Java which is the province of Bandung places the first rank of HIV-AIDS cases in Indonesia. Within West Java, Bandung also places the first rank of
the cases. By this info, I got very interested to HIV-AIDS cases.

I am working at Integrated Management of Prevention, Care and Treatment for HIV-AIDS (IMPACT). I join the Health Promotion at School (HPS) Working Group. Here my responsibility is to make an intervention in order to prevent young people from HIV-AIDS. The intervention is already chosen, it is a curriculum to be implemented in the Junior High School at Bandung. The curriculum will be about drugs education and reproductive health education. This issue takes make my focus so much. I do care a lot about young people. Their young ages can be used to do more positive things rather than do dangerous things which lead them to HIV-AIDS and even death. However, the hardest thing is that young age is the complicated age. They can't find themselves easily. This is the age where people are trying to find their ownself. Therefore, the responsibility which I and my team has is a big responsibility to build young people to be healthy people.

In the future, I hope young people can be more mature. We can make a better decision based on our knowledge and experiences. Therefore, the HIV-AIDS cases will be less than now. Having a healthy life is the best choice for us to live the life more happily.


  1. Hey Teja =)

    I agree with you completely about the hidden potential of young people, but what I found is an issue, well at least for me in Lebanon from what I've seen, is getting young people excited and motivated, or even inspired, to make a change.

    Do you feel like there's a similar situation in Indonesia?

  2. Hey Anthony!!

    Quite similar challenge that I have in here. The most possible thing which we can do probably is to arouse young people, give them data or cases, do not forget also how to present the data with interesting media. Here, which I did is with leaflet with colourful picture and yougn people in cartoon as icon.

    Well, the most interesting things for young people are the creative things I think. Such as drawing pictures, photos, movies, etc. Those media perhaps can enhance their motivation and excitement.

    What do you think Anthony? What were the things yu've done to get them inspired? Were they succeed?

  3. Hey Teja!!! Thanks so much for sharing. Great to get to know you better. For many years in Toronto, Canada my home town, I worked with young people living with HIV... so I understand your challenges and passion of working with young people. While it is true that the developmental stage that young people are at can lead to risky behavior... this can also be a stage that results in more creativity and desire to change the world around them, which can lead to positive social change. But both you and Anthony mentioned that working to get young people motivated can be a challenge... I hope we can brainstorm more about this during the e-course! best, Alex

  4. Totally agree with you, Anthony and Alex.

    Additionally, Teja, we are both living in South East Asia, and I hope that we can learn a lot from each other since the situation in your country is perhaps not so much different from mine!

  5. Thanks for your thought provoking post, Teja! What are some of the reasons that Bandung province has a higher HIV prevalence than other provinces?

    I've also found it really useful to use creative approaches (video-making, drama, etc) to engage adolescents in sexuality education. I'd say it's also really important to build critical thinking skills and encourage young people to look at broader issues that affect their choices (i.e., build critical awareness).

  6. Hi Teja! Thank you for posting on my blog!. I've read your post and I would like you to now that I'm very interested in your proposal!!!

  7. Hi Teja!
    i have read your document and i am very touched! especially about the discrimination of PLWHA, it is very sad, but i hope in all our little ways, we shall be able to make a difference..
